Connection and Transmission


If a problem occurs with your degree°, please follow these troubleshooting information first. If this does not solve the problem, please contact Cosinuss GmbH customer service.

The degree° thermometer is switched on, but there is no connection to your smartphone.

As soon as the degree° is switched on it sends a Bluetooth signal and the status LED flashes blue. Check whether you have activated the Bluetooth connection on your smartphone and then connect to your degree° by clicking in the degree° app on: Settings > Bluetooth. Please also see the notes on data transmission via Bluetooth that help you to minimize interference.

The app signals connection interrupts.

The Bluetooth connection between your degree° and smartphone is not stable. Please see the notes on data transmission via Bluetooth.

The degree° is located outside the reception or transmission radius to your smartphone.

The data transmission via Bluetooth Low Energy has a radius of max. 10 m. Make sure that degree° and smartphone are within this radius. If the degree° has lost the Bluetooth connection to your smartphone, it tries to reconnection again and the status LED flashes blue.


Updated on 18. February 2021